miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Prehistoric Art

Hello, I was a long time without writting, but I am here again. We have finished a unit about geography, and now we have just started History, we have learned about the different stages of human beings and now we are going to learn about Prehistoric Art. Lets start:

Prehistoric Art.
a) Art started with the appearence and dispersion of Homo Sapiens from Africa, Europe, Asia, America and Oceania.
Archeologysts have find four types of Prehistoric art:
· Cupules, rocks carvings and engravings.
· Pictorial imagery, ideomorphs, ideograms or        symbols.
· Cave paintings and drawings.
· Small totemic statuettes known as Venus Figurines,  various forms of zoomorphic, therianthrophic carving   and relief sculptures.
And megalithic art, consisting of the arrengement of  rocks. 

Like we do, prehistoric people represented their belifs and world trough paintings.   
Paintings in the Lascaux Cave were made by brushes made from animal fur. 
Paleolithic artists used five colours: yellow, red, black, white and brown. White is more strange, but it has been seen. 

The cave art of all the prehistoric groups  consisted of five main motif:
  · Human figures, animals, tools and weapons, local maps and   symbols.

 Vase decoration is a typically Neolithic art form. They were decorated with rolled shells and geometrical motifs. 



Lascaux Cave Paintings. 
The Lascaux Cave was discovered by a group of teenagers in September 1940. The cave is in the southwest of France in the village of Montignac. 
It was closed because of enviromental problems and in 1983 the exact replica "Lascaux II" was build a few hundred metres from the original caves. Other wall made art is reproduced in the Centre of Prehistoric Art, located at Le Thot, France. 
Altamira Cave Paintings.
It is located in the North of Spain, near Cantabria. Altamira is famous because of it's vivid rock paintings, featuring drawings and multicoloured cave paintings. 

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